Covid Safety Policy - Suggestions

Stay informed

If I need to change my travel booking due to COVID-19 is this possible?

  1. Contact the hotel or car hire website directly, please verify with your provider first before contacting Ezebook. They will be able to advise if your rates are flexible and can be changed without penalty. Ezebook follows the policies of our partners, which means that any credit, refund or change will be at the discretion of the hotel or car hire provider.
  2. In many instances, you can change your booking online yourself, but if you canโ€™t, thatโ€™s when you should call in.
  3. Consider other possible dates for rebooking your travel according to the hotel or car hire policy coverage. Policies may change or be added at any time, so check for updates before rebooking.
  4. Customer support Portal??

How do you know if you are eligible for the policies?

  • Policies are different from partner to partner.
  • The dates and destinations are changing often as the situation continues to evolve, so itโ€™s important for travellers to check with their hotel or care hire provider if they have an upcoming trip.

What are some general tips for travellers who are still looking to get away, despite COVID-19?

Despite Covid-19 you still want to get away, what do you need to consider?

  • Follow government guidelines
  • Review the fine print before booking
  • Follow up with the hotel/car hire before departing
  • Book refundable rates should you need to cancel