Ezebook Purpose and Mission Statement

To create a seamless and enjoyable experience for travellers and our tourism providers, and to inspire and deliver new ideas to improve our customer experience.

Guiding Principles

  • To improve and add to the positive experience for our travel customers and suppliers.
  • Be positive in what we can do. Deliver Results.
  • Look for opportunities to exceed customers expectations.
  • To inspire people to realise their dreams.
  • To find and deliver sustainable travel and then find more.
  • Remember today. Tomorrow will be an opportunity to grow further.
  • Leave a better place for the future generations to enjoy.

Environmental Footprint and Sustainability

  • Ezebook is planning to be 100% committed to powering our operations by renewable energy, by 2030.
  • Our head office had solar power installed during 2021.
  • Aim to assist our staff, contractors, and partners wherever possible, transition to solar, and electric vehicles.
  • We aim to be net zero carbon by 2025.
  • Leave a better, sustainable place for the future generations to enjoy.

Future short term goal is to create a renewable energy methodology document to calculate our renewable energy use. This will be documented after research during 2021.

Ezebook is actively seeking like-minded partners, with a similar view on sustainability, and see this as an accelerating trend we are happy to be part of. As Ezebook grows, we aim to work with local communities around the world and to make a positive impact on major issues they are facing.

Inclusion & Diversity

Diversity focuses on the makeup of our audience - customers and workforce - demographics such as gender, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and socioeconomics.

Inclusion is a measure of culture that enables diversity to thrive. Inclusion requires that everyoneโ€™s contributions be valued.

Accommodation and Car Rental will share the same aspirational goals.

We are led by an inclusive and diverse purpose: to connect travellers and tourism providers together. Our employees, customers, partners, and communities come from a diversity of experiences and backgrounds and we are dedicated to providing an inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of color, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic status. Weโ€™re proud of our differences.

We celebrate and champion diversity, equality, and inclusivity. Creating a sense of belonging and inclusion for our employees, customers, and partners.