Work with Us

Ezebook is looking for bright people to help us grow. We welcome every great idea with thanks.

We would love to be liked and used by accommodation property owners and the general public - our people working for us can make that happen.

We hope to make our customers around the world happy in using our services to book hotels, motels, apartments, guest houses, and bed and breakfasts.

Position vacant: Video producer for YouTube and Vimeo. Are you a video producer in Sydney? Ezebook is looking for a Sydney-based video producer to do occasional work in the Blue Bay office at Scripts will be written for you, and all you have to do is produce great short videos we can both be proud of. Think of short training videos, from 30 seconds to 10 minutes duration. Some will be end-user focused, some will be aimed at our trading partners, etc. Contact us via Let us take a look at what you have done!

Position vacant: Software Sales Account Manager. Duties include setting up meetings with clients, then visiting the clients. This job is situated in Sydney.

Position Vacant: Programmer, Experience with MySQL, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, HTML 5, and responsive design, Git, Vue or React, Jenkins, Unit testing, Problem definition, discovery, and scoping. Minimum 8-10 years experience. We are flexible 30 - 40 hours per week. Start-up company. This is an ongoing position, and there is scope to grow your ambitions. Great opportunity. Sydney-based. Feel like a chat? Get in touch... Begins soon.

Position Vacant: Lead Developer - small team of three in Sydney, scaling up. Call to discuss possibilities - Sydney-based.

Ezebook will expand into a multinational presence wherever we are welcome, please think of joining us to be part of the journey.
We are a small company with a great dream, and are very excited to be partnering with our workforce and our trading partners, everywhere.

By all means, please give us feedback!
Ezebook ® is a registered trademark of Ezebook Pty Ltd.